Sunday, May 6, 2018

Cooper Tire Centennial 5 Miler

I had a free Saturday and decided to see what races were out there.  There was nothing shorter than an hour away, so I chose this one in Findlay since I've ran numerous races in that city.  Plus a five miler is something totally different for me.  I had to look back at this blog to find the results for the 2012 Frostbite Five Miler, the only other one I've ran.  My time for that was 38:45 so I was very sure I would get a five miler PR at this one.

The race began and ended at the Findlay High School track which was a nice facility.  The weather, however, was way too cool for late April.  The temperature was in the low 40s with a strong wind.  I figured it would be breezy in pancake flat Findlay but it was more than expected.  It looked like we would have a nice tailwind going south but then vice versa on the way back on this out and back course.  The race wasn't the biggest, and there was a 5k attached, so I lined up in the fourth line or so for the start.

I felt great from the start and jumped into the top eight or so.  We headed south toward the Cooper Tire plant on a pretty straightforward course.  The wind wasn't terrible during the first half.  The first mile clicked by in a fast 6:33.  I passed a couple runners during the second mile, but it was tough to gauge where I was until the 5k runners turned around.  I saw three of them turn around and I knew I was in the top five.  The only hill was in this section but it wasn't much.  The second mile was a still fast 6:47 and I still felt great.

We turned east for a short jaunt by the tire plant before turning back around and heading back.  There's not much to report on as it's the same course in reverse.  I could tell I was actually in the top three at this point and knew I could hold it.  The third mile was a 6:55 and the fourth was a surprising 6:52.  I really felt that I slowed down slightly here due to the wind but I was wrong.  I finally started feeling the race as we started the fifth mile and headed back for a finish on the Findlay track.  I finished strong but didn't have anyone behind or in front of me to push me.  The final mile came in 6:55 and I finished with an overall time of 34:02.  That is a minute faster than I thought I could run on my best day!  I did indeed finish third overall and second in my age group.

This was a nice change of pace race that I really enjoyed.  The organization was great and there's not a thing I would change.  Next up is one of my favorite half marathons.

Next race: Flying Pig Half Marathon- Cincinnati, OH

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