Monday, May 25, 2015

Future Running Goals

I've been thinking a lot about my future running goals.  For a change of pace, it would be fun for me to get these goals down and (hopefully) check them off one by one.  Here are my future running goals.

1. Run a half marathon in half the states. 

I know the Fifty Staters Club is extremely popular.  But, let's face it, there are some states that I just don't care to spend money traveling to just to get in another race.  Half the states is doable and doesn't break the bank travel-wise.  So far, I've ran either a marathon or half marathon in 12 states.  The states in which I've completed races are Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Texas, Arizona, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Vermont, and Maine.  Rhode Island is the next one on my list.  West Virginia would be an easy one that I should do soon.

2. Run in 50 and, much later, 100 half marathons.

I've been moving at an amazing clip over the past four years.  My current race schedule sets up the Akron Half Marathon to be my 50th and I have 2-3 more after that to finish off the year.

3. Run another sub-20:00 5k

I've accomplished this once in my life.  After the last four miler, I know I can hit a sub-20:00, though it would have to be in perfect conditions.

4. Run the Pikes Peak Ascent

This one is pretty crazy since it would be hard for me to train here in NE Ohio.  Still, I wouldn't care a bit about my time.  I would just want to finish.

5. Try another full marathon

I have nothing to prove, but I would like to give the full marathon one more go.  I'm much faster than I was when I ran the 2013 Akron Marathon or my PR effort at the 2011 Columbus Marathon.  If I can train properly for one, I think I could get a 3:40-3:50 full marathon, if not faster.

6. Attempt a 50k

I have absolutely no aspirations of trying a 50 or 100 miler.  But the 50k ultra-distance is doable. 

7. Run a sub-1:35 half marathon

I am so close on this one.  This year has produced three half marathon PRs as I brought my time down to a 1:36:24.  This goal may be off the list by the end of the year.

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