Saturday, August 30, 2014

Banking for a Cure 5k

I decided to do a last minute 5k one week after the half in Wooster.  It was held only a few miles from my apartment so it was an easy decision.  If you've been following the blog, I've been focusing on less distance and more intensity this year.  It's been working wonders as my half marathon times have been coming down.  This little 5k was timed perfectly by being two weeks prior to my next half.  My performance...meh.

We started out at Malabar School in Mansfield.  I took off with the lead pack which included a few young kids taking off at young kid pace.  Their parents really should tell them to not start off at a sprint in a 5k.  Another runner and I quickly took the lead and it became a two person race.  The scenery was just suburban homes and plenty of hills.  It was a pretty solid workout.  I abandoned my plan and started off with a 6:38 mile.  I intended to start off with a 7:00 and run negative splits but that dang competitiveness clicked in.  The leader was about ten feet in front for most of the race until the heat started in.  It warmed up fast and we felt it halfway into the race.  The second mile clicked in at around 7:06.  We were both slowing down.  I really slowed down during the last mile and I really regret it because the leader did too.  I had a great opportunity to pass him with about a half mile left but I had nothing left in me.  I crossed the finish in a respectable 21:38, good enough for 2/66 overall, but only 17 seconds off from the winning time.  I was kicking myself for this one, but I have to remember that I would have killed for a second place finish a year ago.  Plus, the heat was a killer.

Next race: Pomerene Foundation Fall Trail Run Half Marathon- Millersburg, OH

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